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杭州深厚软 黏 土中某深大基坑的性状研究

应宏伟, 杨永文

应宏伟, 杨永文. 杭州深厚软 黏 土中某深大基坑的性状研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1838-1846.
引用本文: 应宏伟, 杨永文. 杭州深厚软 黏 土中某深大基坑的性状研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(12): 1838-1846.
YING Hong-wei, YANG Yong-wen. Characteristics of a large and deep soft clay excavation in Hangzhou[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1838-1846.
Citation: YING Hong-wei, YANG Yong-wen. Characteristics of a large and deep soft clay excavation in Hangzhou[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(12): 1838-1846.

杭州深厚软 黏 土中某深大基坑的性状研究  English Version

基金项目: “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目( 2008BAJ06B01 );浙江省重点创新团队支持计划( 2009R50050 )

    应宏伟 (1971 – ) ,男,博士,副教授,主要从事土力学、地基处理、地下工程的教学与科研工作。

  • 中图分类号: TU43 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000 – 4548(2011)12 – 1838 – 09

Characteristics of a large and deep soft clay excavation in Hangzhou

  • 摘要: 介绍了杭州深厚软黏土中深度为14.85~17.35 m、采用密排连续排桩作为围护墙的大型多层支撑基坑工程监测实例。实测内容包括基坑施工过程中围护墙与土体水平位移、周围地面沉降、内支撑轴力、土压力和孔隙水压力等。研究表明:软黏土中大型基坑的水平位移明显大于狭窄基坑,基础底板施工期间基坑的“蠕变”现象明显,开挖深度、空间效应、隔断墙的设置、坑壁临近既有地下室等均是影响基坑水平位移的重要因素;坑外横向地表沉降呈抛物线型分布,沉降影响范围约为开挖深度的2.5倍, 最大沉降位于坑外约0.67倍挖深处,最大沉降与最大水平位移关系约为 ,坑外纵向沉降大致呈马鞍形,沉降最大值位于基坑中部附近,纵向沉降影响范围大于基坑开挖范围;多层支撑支护结构中各层支撑的轴力随开挖和拆撑工况的变化而动态调整,第2层支撑轴力明显大于其它2层支撑;深厚软黏土中多支撑支护结构的土压力分布在支撑深度范围表现出“土拱”效应;随开挖的进行坑外土体的孔压逐渐减小,由于开挖卸荷产生了负超静孔压。
    Abstract: A 14.85 m~17.35 m-deep multi-strutted soft clay excavation in Hangzhou has been monitored. The excavation is supported by contiguous piles in row. The monitoring covers wall and soil deflections, surface ground settlements, axial forces of concrete struts, earth pressures and pore water pressures. It is shown that the maximum horizontal deformations of the large scale excavation are far larger than those narrow excavations. “Creep” deformation occurs apparently during the curing of the bottom slab of the basement. The excavation depth, space effects, partition wall and a basement adjacent to the excavation are the important factors that affect the deflections of the excavation. The distributions of the surface settlements seem to be parabolic, and the settlement influence zone can reach a distance of about 2.5H, where H is the final excavation depth, and the location of the maximum settlement is at 0.67H away from the retaining wall. The relationship between the maximum ground settlement and the maximum horizontal deformation can be summarized as . The distribution of the longitudinal settlements is in a saddle shape, and the longitudinal surface settlement trench is wider than the pit. The axial forces of the struts change dynamically during the excavation and construction, and the magnitude of the axial forces of the second-level struts seems to be larger than that of the other two level struts. “Soil arching” phenomena are found at the depths where the struts are located, which result in the nonlinear distributions of the earth pressure on the wall. The measured pore water pressures decrease during the excavation. The negvative excess pore water pressures occur in the ground due to the unloading on the excavation boundary.
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