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刘子方, 孙 辉

刘子方, 孙 辉. 堤坝非稳定渗流观测资料分析方法[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1807-1811.
引用本文: 刘子方, 孙 辉. 堤坝非稳定渗流观测资料分析方法[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1807-1811.
LIU Zi-fang, SUN Hui. Observed data-based method for non-steady seepage of dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1807-1811.
Citation: LIU Zi-fang, SUN Hui. Observed data-based method for non-steady seepage of dams[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1807-1811.

堤坝非稳定渗流观测资料分析方法  English Version


    刘子方 (1938 – ) ,男,河北玉田人,教授,从事水利工程及流体力学教学及科研工作。

  • 中图分类号: TV697.2

Observed data-based method for non-steady seepage of dams

  • 摘要: 堤坝在实际运行中由于上游水位的不断变化,渗流状态是非稳定渗流。由于其边界条件复杂多变,参数很难确定,使得非稳定渗流的求解变得非常困难。在目前观测资料渗流分析中,仍采用稳定渗流方法。应用非稳定渗流理论,借鉴目前简单边界已有的结果,提出了一个新的非稳定渗流近似计算模型。利用已有测压管观测资料,求出非稳定渗流的半经验半理论公式的近似解,并进一步求出测压管水位在上游水位逐日变化的情况下,测压管水位日变化量的计算方法。用此方法计算了实例,与观测结果符合良好,计算值与实测值误差很小,一般仅几厘米,成果理想。求出近似的位势值,比较不同年份位势的变化,可作为工程防渗能力变化及防渗能力的评价指标,用于评价工程防渗状态的变化,应用于大坝安全监测评价中。
    Abstract: The dam seepage is nonsteady due to the change of the upstream water level in actual operation. Because of its complicated boundary conditions, the determination of parameters of non steady seepage is very difficult. The steady seepage method has still been used in the current analysis of observed seepage data. Based on the theory of the non-steady seepage and the existing results of simple boundary, a new approximation model for the nonsteady seepage is proposed. Using the existing observed piezometric data, the approximate solution of the semi-theoretical and semi-empirical formula for the non steady seepage is obtained, and the calculation method for the daily change of the piezometric level under the daily change of the upstream water level. Case studies are in good agreement with the observations. Differences between calculated and observed values are very small, typically only a few centimeters, and the results are satisfactory. Calculating approximate potential values and comparing changes in different years can be used as evaluation indices of engineering seepage control capacity and its changes and can be applied to dam safety monitoring evaluation.
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  • 发布日期:  2011-11-14


