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于艳丽, 徐海清, 李振伟, 傅志峰, 谢伟平

于艳丽, 徐海清, 李振伟, 傅志峰, 谢伟平. 列车荷载作用下紧邻平行多孔隧道的环境振动分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1801-1806.
引用本文: 于艳丽, 徐海清, 李振伟, 傅志峰, 谢伟平. 列车荷载作用下紧邻平行多孔隧道的环境振动分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1801-1806.
YU Yan-li, XU Hai-qing, LI Zhen-wei, FU Zhi-feng, XIE Wei-ping. Ambient vibration analysis of adjacent parallel multi-tunnels under train loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1801-1806.
Citation: YU Yan-li, XU Hai-qing, LI Zhen-wei, FU Zhi-feng, XIE Wei-ping. Ambient vibration analysis of adjacent parallel multi-tunnels under train loads[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1801-1806.

列车荷载作用下紧邻平行多孔隧道的环境振动分析  English Version


    于艳丽 (1975 – ) ,女,博士,讲师,主要从事交通荷载引起的环境振动与噪声的评价和控制等方面的研究。

  • 中图分类号: TU921

Ambient vibration analysis of adjacent parallel multi-tunnels under train loads

  • 摘要: 目前常用的关于地铁引起的环境振动评价标准是基于单列车的计算分析结果和实测数据。而随着中国迎来了轨道交通建设的黄金时期,大量近距离多孔交叠隧道不断出现,仍沿用基于单列车的环境振动评价方法将无法真实反映实际的振动环境。武汉市轨道交通 2 号线与 4 号线工程在洪(洪山广场站)中(中南路站)区间为四孔紧邻交叠隧道,根据实际工程特点,将其中部分隧道简化为不同净距的四孔平行隧道,建立其三维计算模型,分析了紧邻多孔交叠隧道在不同净距、不同埋深以及不同列车数量作用下的环境振动及其频谱特性,并对计算结果进行了拟合分析,建议了近似经验公式,确定了环境振动影响范围。研究成果可为今后类似工程的环境振动预测和评价提供参考。
    Abstract: At present, the commonly-used evaluation criteria for the ambient vibration caused by train vibrating loads are based on the test data and calculated results of one train, which can not reflect the real vibrating situations with multi-tunnels because of the rapid development of rail transit in China. There are four tunnels crossing each other between Hongshan Square Station and Zhongnan Road Station for the second line and the fourth line of Wuhan rail transit. The complicated multi-tunnels are simplified as four adjacent parallel tunnels with different distances according to their practical characters. Three-dimensional models are established, and the ambient vibration and spectral characteristics are analyzed with different train numbers, tunnel depths and tunnel net distances. An approximate empirical formula is suggested based on the calculated results, and the vibrating influence areas are determined accordingly. The results can provide references for the forecast and evaluation of the ambient vibration of similar projects in China in future.
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  • 收稿日期:  2012-01-05
  • 发布日期:  2011-11-14


