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彭芳乐, 曹延波

彭芳乐, 曹延波. 加筋砂土挡墙筋材层数影响的有限元分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1700-1707.
引用本文: 彭芳乐, 曹延波. 加筋砂土挡墙筋材层数影响的有限元分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1700-1707.
PENG Fang-le, CAO Yan-bo. FEM analysis of effect of reinforced layer numbers on bearing capacity and deformation of reinforced-sand retaining walls[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1700-1707.
Citation: PENG Fang-le, CAO Yan-bo. FEM analysis of effect of reinforced layer numbers on bearing capacity and deformation of reinforced-sand retaining walls[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1700-1707.

加筋砂土挡墙筋材层数影响的有限元分析  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目( 40972176 );上海市重点学科建设项目(B308)

    彭芳乐 (1965 – ) ,男,江西萍乡人,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事岩土力学、基础工程及地下空间与工程等方面的研究工作。

  • 中图分类号: TU441

FEM analysis of effect of reinforced layer numbers on bearing capacity and deformation of reinforced-sand retaining walls

  • 摘要: 利用非线性弹塑性有限元对具有不同筋材层数砂土挡墙的模型试验结果进行了系列性的模拟与分析。有限元解析采用了基于修正塑性功砂土的硬软化弹塑性本构模型,它可以同时考虑砂土强度的各向异性、应力水平相关性、剪切应变局部化特性以及应力路径效应等。研究结果表明,利用这种较高精度的有限元解析方法对加筋砂土挡墙的变形破坏进行分析,不仅能较好地模拟加筋砂土挡墙基础底面的平均压力与沉降之间的关系,同时也能较好地再现筋材层数变化对加筋砂土挡墙承载力与变形的加筋加固影响。虽然本文所分析的各种工况中加筋材的抗拉总刚度 ( 或总重量 ) 不变,但随着所划分筋材层数的增多,加筋砂土挡墙的承载力明显增大。另外,利用以上建议的有限元方法也能合理地模拟不同层数加筋砂土挡墙的剪切带发生发展状况、加筋材的拉力、面板的水平土压力分布、以及加筋砂土挡墙的渐进性变形破坏特性,从而为定量化地把握和理解加筋砂土挡墙中筋材层数的变化影响和加固效果提供了一个有效的途径。
    Abstract: In order to investigate the effect of reinforced layer numbers of reinforced-sand retaining walls, a series of results from plane strain laboratory model tests with different numbers of reinforced layers are simulated by a nonlinear FEM analysis incorporating an elasto-plastic constitutive model for sand. The constitutive model is developed to have a work-hardening and softening parameter based on the modified plastic strain energy concept, which can consider strength anisotropy, confining pressure dependency, strain localization (or shear banding) and the effects of stress history and stress path. The results indicate that the load-settlement relationships obtained from the FEM analysis are totally in good agreement with those from the physical experiment. It is found that the peak footing load of reinforced-sand retaining wall increases significantly with the increase of the reinforced layer numbers, although the total tensile stiffness (or total weight of material) of the reinforcements for each retaining wall model never changes. In addition, the results also indicate that the progressive failure of reinforced-sand retaining walls with a development of shear bands, the horizontal earth pressure on the back of facing and the tensile force in the reinforcement layers are reasonably simulated by the proposed FEM analysis, and the effect of the reinforced layer numbers on reinforced-sand retaining walls can be well understood.
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  • 发布日期:  2011-11-14


