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基于 p – y 曲线法的超长桩非线性数值分析

姚文娟, 吴怀睿, 程泽坤, 杨 武

姚文娟, 吴怀睿, 程泽坤, 杨 武. 基于 p – y 曲线法的超长桩非线性数值分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1683-1690.
引用本文: 姚文娟, 吴怀睿, 程泽坤, 杨 武. 基于 p – y 曲线法的超长桩非线性数值分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2011, 33(11): 1683-1690.
YAO W en-juan, WU Huai-rui, CHENG Ze-kun, YANG Wu. Nonlinear numerical analysis of super-long piles based on p-y curves[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1683-1690.
Citation: YAO W en-juan, WU Huai-rui, CHENG Ze-kun, YANG Wu. Nonlinear numerical analysis of super-long piles based on p-y curves[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2011, 33(11): 1683-1690.

基于 p – y 曲线法的超长桩非线性数值分析  English Version


    姚文娟 (1957 – ) ,女,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事工程结构的力学、结构与土相互作用、新型材料的力学理论及数值方法研究。

  • 中图分类号: TU 473.1

Nonlinear numerical analysis of super-long piles based on p-y curves

  • 摘要: 引入横向等效载荷概念 ,根据弹性力学变分原理,推导出了具有对称形式的杆单元 P Δ 效应刚度修正矩阵。同时结合 p – y 曲线法, 从 Newmark 弹簧支座的概念出发,考虑横向 抗力分布 的影响,提出了与有限杆单元法相适应的非线性弹簧设置方法。 结合以上改进,建立了 相应的倾斜荷载 桩非线性有限杆单元 分析模型 。基于该模型编制了有限元程序,对具体工程实例进行了计算,并将计算结果与工程实测数据,以往方法的计算成果和通用有限元软件的模拟结果进行了对比分析,验证了模型的正确性和可行性 ,同时利用该方法计算分析了 P Δ 效应的影响程度。
    Abstract: According to the concept of lateral equivalent load and the classical variation principle in elasticity, the present work deduces a symmetric matrix for the P-Δ effect to revise the stiffness of long piles. Meanwhile, considering the distributed horizontal soil resistance, a method of setting lateral nonlinear spring s, which is very applicable in finite pole element analysis, is proposed based on the concept of Newmark spring and the p-y curve formula. Then, a nonlinear finite pole element analysis model for a single long pile under inclined load is established based on the above improvements. The relevant finite element program is compiled on the basis of the analysis model and applied to real projects. The correctness and feasibility of the proposed model is confirmed by comparing the results of this study with those of the pervious approaches, testing piles and simulations. Moreover, the influence degree of P-Δ effect is analyzed.
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