Cosserat理论在互层岩体洞室有限元分析中的应用 English Version
Application of Cosserat theory to FEM analysis of cavern in interlayered rock mass
摘要: Cosserat理论考虑了偶应力对介质变形特性的影响,能反映出层状材料的弯曲变形。首先对基于平面应变问题的偶应力理论及扩展模型简略介绍,然后导出了模型的Mohr-Coulomb塑性屈服条件。再利用Matlab平台编制这种模型的有限元程序,并对地下洞室工程进行数值模拟验证程序的有效性。结果表明:Cosserat介质扩展模型与参数混合法互补是解决互层岩体问题的有效方法之一。
- 互层岩体 /
- Cosserat理论 /
- 扩展模型 /
- 洞室 /
- Matlab有限元
Abstract: The Cosserat continuum theory considering the influence of deformation characteristic of media by coupled stress can reflect the bending deformation of the layered materials. The basic principle of the Cosserat continuum theory and its expanded constitutive model are introduced firstly, and the Mohr-Coulomb plastic yield criterion for the new model is deduced. Then the FEM program is written by use of Matlab system and applied to the stress analysis of the underground cavern in layered rock mass. The FEM program is proven to be effective, and the Cosserat expanded model which complements the parameter equivalent method is one of effective methods for solving interlayered rock mass question.-
- interlayered rock mass /
- Cosserat theory /
- expanded model /
- cavern /
- Matlab FEM