K0固结黏土基坑抗隆起稳定性上限分析 English Version
Basal stability of braced excavations in K0-consolidated soft clay by upper bound method
摘要: 软黏土中深基坑开挖支护系统设计一般由不排水稳定控制。考虑基坑开挖引起土体应力主轴旋转和土体不排水抗剪强度的各向异性,首先基于所提出的各向异性本构模型推导了三轴条件下软黏土的不排水强度公式并结合Casagrande和Carillo推荐的能考虑土体应力主轴旋转的软黏土强度公式,提出一种适合于基坑开挖抗隆起稳定分析的K0正常固结软黏土的不排水各向异性抗剪强度。假定Prandtl的土体滑移破坏形式,运用塑性极限分析上限定理推导非均质土层中深基坑开挖的抗隆起稳定公式。研究了基坑开挖土体强度各向异性比、挡墙入土深度、坑底硬土层对抗隆起安全系数的影响。并与基于MIT-E3模型的有限元计算结果及其它文献中的算例进行验证,说明该方法的适用性。Abstract: The design of braced excavations in soft clays is usually controlled by the short-term undrained stability.The principal stress axial rotation induced by excavation and the undrained anisotropic soil strength were taken into consideration.Assuming the Prandtl soil slip failure modes and considering the anisotropic soil strength recommended by Casagrande and Carillo and the non-homogeneous feature of soft soil,a calculation method for evaluating the basal stability was proposed based on the upper bound analysis.It was indicated by the numerical results that the basal stability was significantly influenced by the anisotropy ratio of soil,the plane geometry of the excavation as well as the thickness of soft soil layer between excavation base and hard stratum.The results were also compared with those calculated by numerical methods.The present method was verified by the field observations of braced excavations.
- strength anisotropy /
- upper bound analysis /
- non-homogeneous soft clay /
- excavation /
- stability