第四纪松散沉积层地下水疏降与地面沉降三维全耦合数值模拟 English Version
Three-dimensional full coupling numerical simulation of groundwater dewatering and land-subsidence in quaternary loose sediments
摘要: 针对第四纪松散沉积层地下水疏降引起的地面沉降问题,以比奥固结理论为基础,考虑土体的非线性特征及土的渗透性随应力状态的动态变化,将地下水渗流场和土体应力场耦合起来,建立了地下水疏降与地面沉降变形的水土全耦合三维数学模型,并采用三维有限元数值分析方法,以上海市地铁四号线董家渡段隧道修复深基坑降水为例,模拟预测了基坑中心水位降至标高-23.4 m时基坑周围地下水渗流场与地面沉降变形场的分布特征。该模型稳定性好,收敛速度快,能模拟复杂三维地质体和整个基坑降水工程的结构,具有重要的工程实用价值。Abstract: Aiming at the land-subsidence caused by groundwater dewatering in quaternary loose sediments,based on Biot’s consolidation theory,a full coupling three-dimensional mathematical model of seepage and stress was established considering the non-linear characteristics and the dynamic variation of hydraulic conductivity of soils with stress.A three-dimensional finite element analysis method was applied to the dewatering of a repair foundation pit in the forth subway of Dongjiadu tunnel of Shanghai,then it was used to simulate and forecast the distribution characteristics of groundwater seepage field and land subsidence deformation field around the foundation pit when the water table of the foundation pit center reduced to-23.4 m.It was shown that this model would speedily converged with a fine stability,and could be used to simulate three-dimensional complex geological properties and the structure of the entire dewatering project of the foundation pit.
- groundwater dewatering /
- land-subsidence /
- non-linear /
- full coupling