Plastic limit analysis on stability of jointed rock slopes using finite elements
摘要: 运用有限元塑性极限分析方法研究节理岩质边坡的稳定性。含成组节理岩体的力学行为受控于节理面的方位和强度参数,从宏观上将节理岩体视为均质各向异性体,在有限元塑性极限分析中引入节理岩体各向异性的屈服条件,建立了节理岩质边坡有限元塑性极限分析的上、下限法数学模型。Abstract: The plastic limit analysis was applied to calculate the stability of jointed rock slopes.The mechanical characteristics of jointed rock mass were controlled by the orientation and strength of the joint set.The jointed rock materials were regarded as anisotropically homogenous ones.Anisotropic yield condition was adopted in the numerical plastic limit analysis,and the mathematical models of the lower bound and the upper bound were established.They could be used to evaluate the stability of jointed rock slope.