Study on MSW filtration experimentation and landfill hydrologic analysis
摘要: 探讨了城市生活垃圾水力学参数的实验测试方法,设计并制作了一套实验装置,对在不同压力条件下填埋体的渗透系数进行了实验测试。通过对实验结果的拟合分析,阐述了垃圾体渗透系数随孔隙比变化的规律。采用美国环保署的HELP模型,利用垃圾体在不同压力条件下的渗透试验结果,对填埋场进行了水体平衡分析。结果表明压力场对填埋场水文状况的影响不容忽略。Abstract: A large-scale test device was developed to study the behavior of the MSW filtration under different stress levels.By means of the simulation on the experimental result,the variation of hydraulic conductivity with the void ratio was depicted.Since the leachate yield was another key parameter in the process of landfill design,the U.S.EPA HELP(Hydrologic Evaluation of Landfill Performance) Model was utilized to simulate the hydrologic process of the landfill.It was indicated that the effect of the stress field on the hydraulic conductivity of MSW and the leachate yield in landfills was unneglectable.