再谈广义塑性力学 English Version
On generalized plastic machanics
摘要: 鉴于一些学者对广义塑性力学的评述相关问题提出的质疑与看法,再次对广义塑性力学作一些解释,对其由来与核心思想进行了清晰地阐述。深入剖析了经典塑性力学与广义塑性力学中广为应用的等向强化模型与屈服面的物理意义,并对率无关塑性力学、Drucker公设、塑性因子正负以及屈服面的外凸性与惟一性等问题进行了答复与探讨。Abstract: Where as some scholars commented on the generalized plastic mechanics(GPM) and put forward their doubts and opinions,some further interpretations of GPM were presented and its origin and essential ideas were expatiated clearly.The isotropic hardening model,which was commonly adopted in classical plastic mechanics and GPM,and the physical meaning of yield surface were analyzed deeply.Some problems,such as rate-independent plasticity,Drucker postulate,sign of plastic coefficient,convexity and uniqueness of yield surface and so on,were answered and discussed.