考虑上部结构共同作用的弹性地基上筏板基础分析 English Version
Analysis of raft on elastic foundation considering effect of superstructure
摘要: 首先利用子结构的凝聚技术进行上部结构分析和利用有限元和边界元对Winkler地基上的筏板基础进行分析,然后通过力的平衡和位移的协调关系建立了整体耦合分析方程,并进行了算例分析。Abstract: The superstructure analyzed by three-dimensional substructure method was divided into some substructures and the stiffness matrix be condensed from top to bottom.The boundary element method and the finite element method were applied to analyze the raft foundation on Winkler elastic foundation.The coupling equation was obtained by using both the equilibrium of force and the coordination of displacement.An engineering example was given to illustrate the method,and the results showed that efficiency and accuracy of the present method were higher than those of other methods.
- raft foundation /
- boundary element method /
- finite element method /
- coupling