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姚裕春, 姚令侃, 袁碧玉

姚裕春, 姚令侃, 袁碧玉. 边坡开挖迁移式影响离心模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2006, 28(1): 76-80.
引用本文: 姚裕春, 姚令侃, 袁碧玉. 边坡开挖迁移式影响离心模型试验研究[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2006, 28(1): 76-80.
YAO Yuchun, YAO Lingkan, YUAN Biyu. Study of centrifuge model tests on transition effect of cut slopes[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2006, 28(1): 76-80.
Citation: YAO Yuchun, YAO Lingkan, YUAN Biyu. Study of centrifuge model tests on transition effect of cut slopes[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2006, 28(1): 76-80.

边坡开挖迁移式影响离心模型试验研究  English Version

基金项目: 国家自然科学基金西部重点资助项目(90202007);;《西攀高速公路地质灾害研究与对策》科研资助项目

Study of centrifuge model tests on transition effect of cut slopes

  • 摘要: 人工开挖边坡未及时支护,不仅可能造成自身的破坏,还可能影响到临近未开挖边坡的稳定性;已成边坡有局部毁坏,若不及时修复也可能引起更大范围的破坏。这两种情况都促使我们考虑边坡开挖产生的迁移式影响作用。土质边坡开挖迁移式影响离心模型试验表明:稳定性较差的边坡受迁移式影响形成坡顶贯穿拉裂整体破坏;稳定性较高的边坡受迁移式影响形成坡顶弧形拉裂破坏;松散型边坡主要发生开挖面的浅层坍落破坏并发展。迁移弧形拉裂破坏试验分析表明,随边坡强度增加(稳定性提高),弧形拉裂缝曲率半径越大,拉裂缝与原边坡最大拉应力分布逐渐接近一致。应力测试与数值模拟证明弧形拉裂和整体贯穿拉裂同最大拉应力分布相对应,并且受迁移影响边坡坡顶最大拉应力值增大。结果表明,对于低强度的土质边坡开挖应重视迁式影响,而对于高强度的土质边坡及完好岩石边坡迁移式影响较小甚至可以不考虑,但对那些关系重大并对变形有严格要求的边坡开挖也应分析迁移式的影响。最后进一步的断裂力学理论解释了弧形拉裂与整体贯穿拉裂的形成。研究结果对于工程实际具有一定的现实指导意义。
    Abstract: The cut slope might fail without timely support,and the nearby uncut slope could be also affected.If no measures were taken,partial failure of the slope,might cause large scale failure.Based on the above-mentioned,the transition effect due to slope cutting must be considered.The centrifuge model tests of slope cutting indicated that three transition types might be caused.The first was complete failure with tensile crack under low stability;the second was the arc tensile crack failure under high stability;the third was the shallow collapse failure on the cut face in loose material slope.It was found that the radius of curvature of the arc tensile crack increased with the increase of stability of slope,and the tensile crack was related to the distribution of the tensile stress of the in-situ slope.The measured stress and numerical simulation indicated that the whole tensile crack and the arc tensile crack were correspondent to the distribution of maximum tensile stress,the magnitude of which increased due to transition effect.The result was that the transition effect must be considered in low stability slope,but was not necessary in high stability slopes and integrated rock slopes if the creep deformation was not considered.Finally,the formation of arc crack and whole failure transitions were explained with the theory of fractural mechanics.
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  • 发布日期:  2006-01-15


