盾构下穿越已运营隧道施工监测与技术分析 English Version
Analysis and monitoring on shield tunneling under existing adjacent tunnel
摘要: 通过对上海M4线张扬路至浦电路区间隧道近距离下穿越已运营M2线工程施工过程的监测,分析对比了盾构两次近距离下穿越施工的过程和特点,讨论了M2线周围地层土体的沉降变形和规律。同时,针对盾构近距离穿越施工技术难题,较系统探讨了近距离下穿越施工技术方案,分析了施工技术控制要领,为今后类似工程提供了借鉴。Abstract: Shield tunneling has become a main construction method used for underground engineering,especially within weak soil and congested urban areas.With more and more built-up underground projects,it will be often faced with many engineering problems about crossing construction no matter what improvement is made in the tunnel shielding technology.The influence of tunnel shield crossing through an adjacent operating metro was paid much attention by lots of researchers at home and abroad now.A great deal of in-situ monitoring data observed from a case named Zhangyang to Pudian Tunnel No.2 of Shanghai was analyzed and studied.Its conclusion would be helpful for the future similar shield tunneling projects.
- shield tunnel /
- crossing construction /
- in-situ monitoring /
- surface settlement