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李光耀, 刘兆龙, 冯嵩, 詹良通, 杜修力. 强降雨条件下单层土质覆盖层的入渗解析解及稳定性分析[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240158
引用本文: 李光耀, 刘兆龙, 冯嵩, 詹良通, 杜修力. 强降雨条件下单层土质覆盖层的入渗解析解及稳定性分析[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240158
Analytical solution of infiltration into single-layer cover under heavy rainfall events and its application for stability analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240158
Citation: Analytical solution of infiltration into single-layer cover under heavy rainfall events and its application for stability analysis[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240158


Analytical solution of infiltration into single-layer cover under heavy rainfall events and its application for stability analysis

  • 摘要: 近年来我国极端降雨事件频发,研究强降雨条件下单层土质覆盖层的入渗规律及稳定性具有重要意义。本文基于二维非饱和土渗流控制方程,采用指数函数模型描述土体的土水特征曲线和渗透系数曲线,针对强降雨过程中表层土体达到饱和状态前后分别采用恒定流量和恒定压力水头作为覆盖层表面边界条件,推导了强降雨条件下单层土质覆盖层的入渗解析解。通过与有限元软件Geostudio-Seep/W的计算结果进行对比,证明了该解析解的有效性。在解析解的基础上,根据非饱和土抗剪强度理论,分析了单层土质覆盖层的稳定安全系数在强降雨条件下的发展情况,结果表明潜在滑动面的埋深越大,覆盖层稳定安全系数对降雨的响应速度越慢。强降雨期间以覆盖层底面作为滑动面的稳定安全系数始终保持最小,说明覆盖层最易沿着该滑动面发生失稳。本文得到的解析解为单层土质覆盖层的防渗性能评价及稳定性分析提供了简单实用的工具。


    Abstract: In recent years, extreme rainfall events have occurred frequently in China, and so investigating the infiltration law and slope stability of single-layer soil cover under heavy rainfall events is of great significance. An analytical solution for rainwater infiltration into the single-layer soil cover is presented based on the two-dimensional governing equation for unsaturated flows. This analytical solution was obtained by employing constant flow rate and constant pore water pressure head as the top boundary conditions of the cover before and after the surface soil reached saturated during a heavy rainfall event. The analytical solution was validated by comparing with the numerical results of the finite element software Geostudio-seep/W. Based on the analytical solution and the theory of shear strength of unsaturated soil, the variation of the stability safety factor of a single-layer soil cover under a heavy rainfall event was analyzed. The results indicated that the greater depth of the potential sliding surface, the slower the response of the stability safety factor to rainfall. During the whole rainfall period, the stability safety factor with the bottom surface of the cover as the sliding surface remained the smallest, indicating that the cover is most prone to sliding along this sliding surface. The analytical solution obtained in this study provides a simple and practical tool for evaluating the anti-seepage performance and stability analysis of single-layer soil covers.


