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李小军, 程晓芳, 荣棉水, 张斌. 基于强震动记录统计分析的不同场地分类方法比较[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240109
引用本文: 李小军, 程晓芳, 荣棉水, 张斌. 基于强震动记录统计分析的不同场地分类方法比较[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240109
Comparison of Different Site Classification Methods Based on Statistical Analysis of Strong Ground Motion Records[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240109
Citation: Comparison of Different Site Classification Methods Based on Statistical Analysis of Strong Ground Motion Records[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20240109


Comparison of Different Site Classification Methods Based on Statistical Analysis of Strong Ground Motion Records

  • 摘要: 以特定深度范围内岩土层等效剪切波速作为控制参数的单指标场地分类及以特定深度内土层等效剪切波速和覆盖土层厚度作为控制参数的双指标场地分类是国际上的两大类场地分类方法,两类方法的适用性和合理性一直是工程界所关注和讨论的问题。工程场地分类的基本用途是合理地考虑场地条件对地震动影响以确定建设工程的设计地震动参数,同一分类场地中强震动记录频谱特性的一致性程度是说明场地分类方法合理性的最有效标准。利用日本KiK-net观测台网的强震动记录和台站钻孔资料进行统计分析,探究了已有的多个场地分类方法的差异和优劣。首先采用中国、美国和日本等国家规范中的场地分类方法分别进行台站场地类别划分和强震动记录分组,而后针对不同分类方法中同类场地台站的地表地震动加速度记录进行加速度反应谱(包括峰值加速度)与震级和震中距关系的统计分析,并通过加速度反应谱统计残差分析,探讨了不同场地分类方法中同类场地台站强震动记录的加速度反应谱的一致性程度。研究结果表明:在所研究的场地分类方法中,以20 m深度范围内土层等效剪切波速和覆盖土层厚度为控制参数的双指标的中国抗震规范场地分类方法为最优方法。


    Abstract: The one-index site classification based on the equivalent shear wave velocity of rock and soil layers within a specified depth as a control parameter, and the two-index site classification based on the equivalent shear wave velocity of soil layers within a specified depth and the thickness of overlying soil layers as control parameters, are the two major categories of site classification methods. The applicability and rationality of the two categories of methods have consistently been focal points of attention and discussion within the engineering community. The primary purpose of engineering site classification is to judiciously consider the site effect on strong motion to determine seismic design parameters for construction projects. The degree of consistency in the spectral characteristics of strong motion records within the same classified site stands out as the most effective criterion for elucidating the rationality of site classification methods. Utilizing strong motion records from the Japanese strong-motion seismograph network KiK-net and related site borehole data of the observation stations, statistical analysis was conducted to delve into the distinctions and merits of existing site classification methods. Initially, the site classification of the observation stations was carried out using site classification methods specified in seismic design codes from countries such as China, the United States, and Japan, and the collected strong motion records were grouped accordingly. Subsequently, statistical analyses of acceleration response spectra, including peak acceleration, were performed for ground motion acceleration records from the observation stations with a same site class specially for different site classification methods. The study also scrutinized the consistency of acceleration response spectra for strong motion records from the observation stations with a same site class across various site classification methods through statistical residual analysis. The research findings reveal that, among the site classification methods studied, the site classification method of the Chinese seismic design code, a two-index site classification method based on the equivalent shear wave velocity of soil layers within a 20-meter depth and the thickness of the overlying soil layers as control parameters, is deemed the optimal method.


