黄土隧道围岩压力计算方法研究 English Version
Method for calculating the surrounding rock pressure in loess tunnels
摘要: 为了提出一种适用于黄土隧道的围岩压力计算方法,分析了黄土隧道围岩压力形成机理,依托大量围岩压力现场测试数据,提取了隧道围岩压力影响因子,探究了不同影响因子对黄土隧道围岩压力的影响敏感性及其变化规律,基于多因子耦合回归分析方法构造了围岩压力计算公式,采用样本包络度法结合试算法提出了考虑多影响因素的黄土隧道围岩压力计算方法。结果表明:(1) 黄土隧道围岩压力主要为形变压力,目前常用的围岩压力计算方法不能真实反映黄土隧道的荷载情况;(2) 黄土隧道围岩压力受围岩级别影响明显,与隧道埋深、隧道跨度和隧道开挖高跨比具有较好的指数函数相关性;(3) 与现有常用的太沙基公式、《隧规》公式以及卡柯公式对比,本文提出的计算公式对于黄土隧道围岩压力具有较好的包络度,且计算结果更接近于现场实测值。Abstract: To propose a calculation method for surrounding rock pressure applicable to loess tunnels, analyzed the formation mechanism of surrounding rock pressure in loess tunnels, based on a large amount of field test data of surrounding rock pressure, extracted the impact factors, explored the sensitivity and variation patterns of different impact factors on the surrounding rock pressure of loess tunnels, a calculation formula for surrounding rock pressure was constructed based on the multi-factor coupled regression analysis method, then, the method for calculating the surrounding rock pressure of loess tunnels considering multiple influencing factors was proposed by using the sample enveloped method combined with the trial algorithm. The results show that: (1) The surrounding rock pressure in loess tunnels is the deformation pressure mainly, the methods used commonly for calculating the surrounding rock pressure cannot truly reflect the load situation of loess tunnels; (2) The surrounding rock pressure in loess tunnels is affected significantly by the grade of surrounding rock, which has a good exponential function correlation with the burial depth, the span and the height-span ratio of excavation; (3) Compared with the commonly used Terzaghi's formula, the formula of "Code for Design of Highway(Railway) Tunnels", and the Caquot's formula, the formula proposed in this paper has a better envelope for the surrounding rock pressure of loess tunnels, and the calculation results are closer to the measured values.
- tunnel engineering /
- loess tunnel /
- surrounding rock pressure /
- impact factor /
- calculation method