P/SV波任意角斜射下山岭-含水谷场地地震动分析 English Version
Seismic Analysis of Hill-Water-Filled-Valley Composite Topography under Arbitrary Oblique Incident P- and SV-Waves
摘要: 山岭-含水谷地形作为一种常见的复合场地,其对地震动响应的影响规律尚不明确。为此,通过理论推导实现了有限域内的土水耦合,并结合有限/无限元法对P波和SV波任意角斜射下山岭-含水谷复合场地进行了二维地震分析,探讨了山岭和含水谷的相对位置关系对场地二维地震响应的影响。结果表明:(1)P波或SV波斜射时,位于含水谷地震波入射前侧的山岭能抑制含水谷对地震波入射近端处地表最大水平加速度的放大作用;(2)当SV波跨临界角入射且山岭位于含水谷地震波入射前侧时,地表最大水平加速度在复合地形的地震波入射远端反而被放大;(3)山岭-含水谷相对位置、入射波类型和临界角对于复合地形两端位移频谱影响显著。Abstract: As a common composite site, the effect of the hill-water filled valley composite topography on the ground motion is currently unclear. Therefore, the coupling of soil and liquid in finite domain was realized by theoretical analysis, the seismic analysis of hill-water filled valley composite topography under arbitrary oblique incident P- and SV-waves by finite-infinite element method was studied, and the effect of the relative position between hill and water filled valley on the ground motion was discussed. New findings of this paper include: (1) The hill existing in the incident side of seismic waves of the water filled valley, can restrain the amplification of the ground maximum horizontal acceleration on the “near” edge of the valley of incidence of seismic waves for P and SV waves; (2) For SV-waves with overly critical angles and the hill existing in the incident side of seismic waves of the water filled valley, the ground maximum horizontal acceleration on the “far” edge of the valley of incidence of seismic waves is amplified instead; (3) The relative position between hill and water filled valley, incident wave type and the critical angle have significant influence on the displacement spectrum at both ends of the composite topography.