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才昊, 叶冠林, 兰立信, 张琪, 朱文轩. 软粘土取样扰动机理、评估方法及控制措施研究进展[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231161
引用本文: 才昊, 叶冠林, 兰立信, 张琪, 朱文轩. 软粘土取样扰动机理、评估方法及控制措施研究进展[J]. 岩土工程学报. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231161
Research progress on the disturbance mechanism, evaluation methods, and control measures of soft clay sampling[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231161
Citation: Research progress on the disturbance mechanism, evaluation methods, and control measures of soft clay sampling[J]. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. DOI: 10.11779/CJGE20231161


Research progress on the disturbance mechanism, evaluation methods, and control measures of soft clay sampling

  • 摘要: 软粘土由于具有含水率高、压缩性强、灵敏度高等特点使其在取样过程中易受到扰动,导致土体的强度及变形特性显著改变。了解取样扰动的力学机理、减少取样扰动的影响并对土样质量进行合理评估对于确定工程设计中有代表性的土体参数具有重要意义。为此,总结了国内外软粘土取样扰动相关的研究进展,具体包括软粘土取样扰动因素及力学机理、取样扰动影响的宏微观表现、扰动程度的评估方法以及减少扰动的控制措施。研究表明:目前针对取样扰动宏观力学机理的研究成果颇丰,但缺乏相应的微观试验证据及微观机理分析对宏观结果进行佐证;现存土样质量评价指标大都只针对纯粘土,对粉质粘土、粉土等低塑性中间土体的适用性存疑,目前仍没有针对不同性质土体的统一土样质量评价体系;室内再固结方法可以有效减少取土过程中的力学扰动影响,但无法恢复附加扰动破坏的土体结构。基于此,本文对今后亟待开展的研究提出四点建议与展望。


    Abstract: Soft clay, due to its high moisture content, strong compressibility, and high sensitivity, is easily disturbed during the sampling process, resulting in significant changes in the strength and deformation characteristics of the soil. Understanding the mechanical mechanism of sampling disturbance, reducing the impact of sampling disturbance, and conducting a reasonable evaluation of sample quality are of great significance for determining representative soil parameters in engineering design. For this purpose, the research progress related to disturbance in soft clay sampling at home and abroad was summarized, including mechanical mechanisms of sampling disturbance, macroscopic and microscopic manifestations of sampling disturbance effects, sample quality evaluation methods, and control measures to reduce disturbance. Research has shown that there are abundant research results on the macroscopic mechanical mechanisms of sampling disturbances, but there is a lack of corresponding microscopic experimental evidence and microscopic mechanism analysis to support the macroscopic results; Most of the existing quality evaluation indicators are aimed at clay, and the applicability to low-plasticity intermediate soils such as silty clay and silt is questionable. Currently, there is still no unified quality evaluation system for soil samples with different properties. The reconsolidation methods can effectively reduce the mechanical disturbance during the soil sampling process, but it cannot restore the soil structure damaged by additional disturbance. Based on this, this article proposes four suggestions and prospects for future research.


